Well, it all started back in 2017 - when we swiped right on each other. Fast forward of 2023, we tied the knot and committed to forever together (nawww!)

We are the self proclaimed power-couple, that run this little love bizz. We are so immensely different, but together, we bring a bunch of good shit to the table.

Jodie has found a creative outlet in Honey. Drama, music, the arts - all tried and tested - and failed dramatically. This is her creative niche. She is deeply inspired by queer art, and curates off-trend. To challenge the norm, and burst through boundaries, is her kinda jam. Plus, this psycho thrives in the world of admin. Planning, and coordinating are second nature.

Chandre is known for having an abundance of energy, and the way that they exert this into their creativity is phenomenal. As a huge music-head, they are inspired by sounds that make you feel things right down to the tip of your little toe. Chandre is the clogs, that keeps these wheels running. When presented with a wild idea, Chandre knows the precise logistics required to make that shit happen!


We love, love and there is nothing sweeter than celebrating that damn good thing. We want to encourage the love birds, we are blessed enough to work with - to dig deep into their desires - and have a love-fest that reflects their cool, quirky selves, in it’s greatest form.

It’s super frikin’ easy to fall into the trap of cookie-cutter weddings. Before you know it, fear takes over, and your planning a wedding with the same ole light-up love letters, ‘traditional’ formalities, multi-way bridal dresses, and bruno mars on repeat - and if that is what your heart truely desires - rock on, we are here for it, but we will be sure to guide you through the path of discovery to get you to that place.

There is something wildly creative, expressive, and emotive within us all. Throughout life, we learn to suppress these parts of us that the world struggles to embrace (woah, deep). Not here, honey - we want all of that!

Xo Jodie & Chandre